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Amy-Rose & Ceri-Ann's special thank you

Amy-Rose and her family came to try the beach wheelchairs at the weekend.

She used our Hippocampe chair and was able to get down to the water's edge.

They came well-prepared with their own seat insert that gave Amy-Rose extra support and an even more comfortable experience.

We were chatting to them about the insert and had planned to put one on our wish-list however ... Amy-Rose's mum has been in touch and has set up a fundraising page to provide one of these great pieces of equipment for us.

This is amazing, thank you so much!

You can find out more and support Ceri-Ann and Amy-Rose on their Go Fund Me page


Within a week Ceri-Ann and Amy-Rose have reached her fundraising target! We will be inviting the family to Fleetwood when it's appropriate to say thank you.



Would you like to know more about Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs?

We would be delighted to give a presentation about our charity to any groups or societies who require a speaker. This could be anytime during the day or evening, and we're willing to travel. 

Please contact us for further details.

Thank you to our founding partners 

Fleetwood Rotary
Wyre Council
Healthier Fleetwood
Fleetwood Council Crest

Website sponsored by

Baxter Life Care

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