In light of Lancashire and other parts of the North West being included on the list of areas to receive additional support to combat the spread of COVID 19, we have been contacted by some visitors about our plans.
Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs has always operated within robust protocols for the cleaning of the chairs, accessories and premises, to protect our visitors and volunteers. These will remain in operation as long as is necessary and until the regulations change.
We know how important our service is and how much joy our visitors and their families gain from accessing the beach but it is for everyone to consider the pros and cons for themselves.
If you do come to see us, you will be made very welcome but please adhere to the advice on social distancing and hygiene. If at all possible, just the chair-user and an accompanying person should come to our premises to collect the beach wheelchair. There is plenty of open space and Dave's cafe just 20 metres away for other members of your group to wait - following this procedure will be a great help to us.
These remain very challenging times but we will get through together. Thank you.
The latest information, regulations and advice is available at