International Wheelchair Day is on the 1st of March in 2020, and it aims to build awareness about conditions that limit personal mobility and the struggles wheelchair users face on their day to day lives. The great news is that Fleetwood is shortly to play a very major part in making the lives of wheelchair users a lot brighter in our town.
This centres around the scheme to bring wheelchair access to our beaches for disabled people, which is now progressing well.
The initiative, developed as ‘Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs’ has been under development for some time, and of late real progress has been made to develop the venture.
The team involved has a Management Board consisting of volunteers and enjoys the support of Wyre Borough Council, Healthier Fleetwood and Fleetwood Rotary. They already possess a specially adapted wheelchair and have had financial support from the Haldane Trust.This is a great chance for the future of Fleetwood, as we will be the only coastal town offering this facility on the Fylde Coast, and indeed one of the few in the UK. The team have been encouraged and inspired by the scheme in operation in North Berwick and other developments on the east coast, and are liaising with other groups.
Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs has now registered with the Charity Commission and is a fully-fledged charity which is great progress.
They are also members of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, and are in the process of joining the Small Charities Coalition.This is will be a unique service in our area, and one greatly needed by people with mobility issues. The users of ordinary wheelchairs or mobility devices would just not be able to get on the beach, or near the sea with their friends and families.
With Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs we intend to make this happen. Fleetwood Beach Wheelchairs are opening the beaches for an all-inclusive activity. If you are interested or willing to help in any way you can, then please do not hesitate to contact us
Our web site is: www.fleetwoodbeachwheelchairs.co.uk and you can email at: fleetwoodbeachwheelchairs@outlook.com